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Sweater Stone Knitwear Lint Remover 去毛頭石

Sweater Stone Knitwear Lint Remover 去毛頭石

學習簡單地保養毛衣!小而輕巧的 Sweater Stone 去毛頭石以回收玻璃製造,讓毛衣、針織品、羊絨、室紡織家品、毛巾、襯衫甚至床上用品重拾光澤,告別頹樣!


Say goodbye to unsightly pilling and balling on your sweaters with the amazing Sweater Stone! This small and lightweight pumice-like stone works wonders in restoring the shine to your sweaters, knits, cashmere, upholstery, towels, shirts, and even bedding. Simply brush The Sweater Stone gently over the problem areas, and its unique cell structure will effectively remove those annoying pills and balls. Each cell is designed with sharp edges that delicately cut the tiny fabric strands holding the pills onto your garment. These cells then detach from the stone, ensuring there are no snags. 


  • Made in USA
  • Made from recycled glass

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